
Cape Town wedding photography | Wedding Album is a no-brainer

Wedding Albums vs Digital Negatives

One of the most frequently asked questions posed to Cape Town wedding photographers is: Will I receive my files electronically?, and if so how many photographs will I get? 

With the advent, or rather explosion of social media, posting images on platforms such as facebook, instagram and tumblr have become all but a social mandate. This is perfectly acceptable for pictures taken at the odd party or social gathering. However, it is important to note that electronic files are transient, that is, there is no guarantee the file format you receive will be future proof. Whether it be JPEG, RAW or NEF, technology invariably changes, and at a rapid rate at that. Most high-end laptops these days do not even have DVD disk drives. Apart from DVDs we all know how temperamental USB drives can be. The integrity of your data is far from guaranteed.

So picture someday your USB with all your wedding photographs gets corrupted, you freak out at first but then you realise it's no problem, I'll just go back to my wedding photographer. Only to find out it's two years later and they have deleted the files (no wedding photographer should ever do this though - they should always keep a back-up of every wedding). However, life happens and perhaps their system crashed during that period, or they were burgled, or there was a flood, or they get the picture (well in this case you really literally don't!)

How you showcase your wedding photographs requires more depth and substance. In my opinion, this is where the wedding album comes in. The product of your wedding day needs to be tangible and showcased for generations to come. Furthermore, each wedding day has a unique story to tell, it is definitely not just a random collection of imagery. The story captured by your Durban wedding photographer must be eloquently encapsulated in your wedding album.

As your Cape Town wedding photographers, Luminoso Photography offers you the very best quality wedding albums with a gamut of colour, style and leather options, printed on high-end photographic metallic or matte paper. Further to this, in the name of appeasement, you will also receive all digital photographs captured on your wedding day if you choose our Platinum or  Black Label collections. For other factors to consider please visit the following page: Cape Town wedding photographers